Thursday, 18 July 2019

Working with UNDP in Localization of SDGs and Sustainable Palm Oil Initiative

Tanoto Foundation and UNDP have been collaborating since February 2016, with a pilot project of integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into sub-national development agenda in Riau province. The partnership pioneered a multi-stakeholder engagement approach in SDGs implementation in Indonesia among different stakeholders, namely government, United Nations, private sector and philanthropy; emphasizing key messages about the purpose of SDGs – leaving no one behind and improving quality of life.

The project aims to develop an enabling policy and regulatory environment and provide support to mainstreaming the SDGs into the Riau province development plan.  It covers multiple components including the policy framework, inclusive government, implementation, monitoring and tracking, and advocacy, capacity building and knowledge sharing. The Phase I of partnership start from February 2016-February 2018 by implementing the program into three district (Pelalawan, Indragiri Hilir and Meranti). The Phase II of the partnership was renewed for another two years until May 2020 with the addition of four new districts (Pekanbaru City, Kuantan Singingi, Indragiri Hulu, and Rokan Hulu) and activities to setup SDG action plans on the ground level through village/district pilots.

In addition to engaging government on planning processes, since August 2016, the Foundation has supported the Sustainable Palm Oil Initiative (SPOI) project with UNDP to assist independent and plasma smallholders to be able to manage palm oil plantations in a sustainable manner, improve their quality of life, and assist smallholders to get Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification. The project was concluded in December 2018. A significant milestone was achieved when Asosiasi Amanah obtained ISPO certification in April 2017, the first independent smallholder cooperative in Indonesia to be ISPO certified. In December 2018, KUD Bukit Potalo received the ISPO certificate. Out of 9 smallholders cooperatives obtaining ISPO certification thus far, three are in Riau province, and two of them (Asosiasi Amanah and KUD Bukit Potalo) are under the SPOI project. A Smallholders Centre of Excellence was inaugurated by Vice Regent of Pelalawan, Bapak Zardewan on 24 April 2019, as a forum for information sharing and knowledge on good and sustainable agricultural and management practices, and introduction to ISPO certification process.

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Netiya Roshan - October 8, 2019

Hi i'm han working in RAPP also ex TSA from Medan. My question is how do i join or participate in SDG with Tanoto Foundation. Thank you.