Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Improving Creativity with Simple Learning Media

Creativity can actually start in simple things. This was demonstrated in the Pelita Guru Mandiri (PGM) Roll Out training held at SDN 004 Pelalawan, Kecamatan Pelalawan, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau Province by Tanoto Foundation.

Through the Pelita Guru Mandiri program, Tanoto Foundation holds various trainings for teachers in an effort to improve their competence and capacity.

The roll out training is a continuation program of the previous PGM activity, namely Training of Trainer. “Before attending Pelita Guru Mandiri training from Tanoto Foundation, I never imagined that I would make simple learning tools.

After I practiced to make one myself, it turned out to be not too difficult and could utilize simple materials available in our surroundings, “said Mrs. Erliza, a teacher of Bernas Elementary School, Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau.

In this training, teachers demonstrated that they quickly absorbed the concept explained to them. They could create simple teaching media. Some teachers even used very simple tools in teaching the lessons.

One of these very simple tools can be created by utilizing the angles of a ceramic floor tile to teach numbers and distances. This is a simple but very useful way because it facilitates the pupils’ understanding and can be done while playing.

The PGM Roll Out Training also discusses Project Approach-based teaching method. This teaching method can help the teachers in creating simple researches to be conducted by the students.

A teacher can invite the students to determine a simple research topic from around the school. At the end of the session, the students will be asked to conclude the observation. This method allows the students to think more critically, which can even become the basis for further scientific researches.

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