Saturday, 25 July 2015

Blood Drive and Free Health Check Up by Tanoto Scholars

Written by Khairun Nissa, Tanoto Scholar from Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda

“If not us, who? If not now, when?” Motivated by these questions from John F. Kennedy, we, the recipients of Tanoto Foundation Scholarship or Tanoto Scholars, decided to do a blood drive and free health check up at Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda recently.

Working with the Students Executive Body of the University Mulawarman Community Health Faculty, Medika Kesehatan  Vocational School, and Indonesia Red Cross, we carried out the activities from May 21 to 24, 2015.

We set up two booths where one was used for blood drive and another for free health check up. Visitors could donate their blood and check their level of cholesterol, blood pressure, and stress for free. However, visitors could participate when they fulfilled one requirement. They must donate one reading book to us.

The visitors’ response was positive. In addition to the University students, many community members turned up, donated their blood and got their free check up. “This activity is very helpful for me. I don’t have to go far to have my health checked up,” said one of the participants.

For us, the Tanoto Scholars, this activity brought a great deal of pride. We helped members of the surrounding community to care for their health. We were also able to help the Indonesia Red Cross to increase their stock of blood.

We learn a great deal from the philanthropic work of Bapak Sukanto Tanoto and Ibu Tinah Bingei Tanoto, the founders of Tanoto Foundation. Throughout their life, Bapak Sukanto Tanoto and Ibu Tinah Bingei Tanoto have helped many children who come from underprivileged families to continue their education and improve their chance for a better future.

As recipients of Tanoto Foundation Scholarship, we are encouraged to give back to the community. This blood drive and free health check up are parts of that effort.  Our other activities include teaching children at different schools to love learning and books. Remember the previously mentioned requirement for the event’s participants to bring one book? These books will be used in reading corners in schools that we work with.

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